
Foster common approaches between People’s Republic of China and the European Union on Personalised Medicine research, development, innovation and policies


IC2PerMed at a glance

Supporting International collaboration for the development of Personalised Medicine

The International Consortium for Personalised Medicine (ICPerMed), umbrella initiative of IC2PerMed, aims at initiating and supporting communication and exchange on Personalised Medicine (PM) for aligning national agendas on research and funding activities. It brings together representatives of funding agencies and authorities from 29 countries and expands for increasing PM developments’ synergies at international level.

IC2PerMed project’s core objective is to build upon collaborative developments of Chinese and European experts on PM for elaborating a common strategy, enabling Chinese institutions to join the ICPerMed consortium. The 3 Expert Working Groups will set the path for a common approach of PM research, innovation, development and implementation over the project duration.

Università Cattolica del Sacro
Gemelli Foundation
Fondazione Telethon
Steinbeis 2i GmbH
World Federation of Public Health Association
BGI Research
National Cancer Centre
Tsinghua University
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